List of Bosses in Remnant 2

List of Bosses in Remnant 2: Enter the action-packed world of Remnant 2, where survival meets action in a vibrant role-playing setting. The boss fights are the center of the game, and each one is a special test of foresight and strategy.

This article serves as your comprehensive guide, explaining each boss in Remnant 2 and providing specific advice on how to defeat them.

There are a ton of imposing Bosses in the RPG shooter Remnant 2—28 to be precise—and most of them are ferocious animals whose weak spots you should be quite familiar with. As a result, the following overview not only lists all the game’s adversaries but also provides brief descriptions, weak spots, and drops.

Remnant 2: List of Bosses and Their Weak Points and Rewards

Bosses must be eliminated in Remnant 2 in order to obtain thrilling trophies and accomplishments. Additionally, each boss we fight has a unique set of skills, attack patterns, and phases, which makes our battles more difficult.

Furthermore, identifying these attack cues is our first step toward success because it enables us to properly anticipate and avoid incoming damage. Attacking aggressively while conserving your stamina can make the difference between winning and losing.

In addition to these, different bosses could require various approaches, so having a flexible build and a wide variety of gear might give you the adaptability you need in any circumstance.

Let us now dive in and understand the Bosses in Remnant 2 with respect to their Locations in the game:

List of Bosses in Losomn in Remnant 2

Bloat King

List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: Losomn, The Great Sewers

Description: Arachnoid trapped beneath an energetic sphere-firing vaulted ceiling. In addition to large lightning bolts, the Bloat King occasionally fires projectiles that are partially explosive.

Strategy: Dodge its energy spheres and aim for the pulsating body.

Weakness: Pulsating body

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500, Bone Sap x1

Gwendil: The Unburnt

Location: Losomn, Cotton’s Kiln

Description: Although Gwendil resembles Nosferatu, she is a genuine firestarter. He engages in enthusiastic firebomb throwing while fighting from a high vantage point.

Strategy: Keep a safe distance and dodge its firebombs.

Weakness: Head

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x4, Tome of Knowledge x1, Alkahest Powder x1

Magister Dullain

List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: Losomn, Shattered Gallery

Description: Bigfoot might resemble Magister Dullain if he had turned into a wizard. The frosty monster uses visually stunning (and very lethal) magic tricks and appears to fight using the contents of his stomach.

Strategy: Aim for the head and chest. Dodge its magic attacks.

Weakness: Head and chest

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Tainted Ichor x1

The Huntress

List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: Losomn, Brocwithe Quarter

Description: The mounted Huntress pursues heroes through a region of stone ruins and may pass for a dark elf with her usual white hair. She is a terrible opponent due to her swiftly moving mount and long spear.

Strategy: Aim for the neck and head of the mount. Keep moving to avoid its spear attacks.

Weakness: Neck and head of the mount

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Venerated Spearhead x1 or Sacred Hunt Feather x1

The Red Prince

List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: Losomn, Gilded Chambers

Description: Like a scorching version of the Fae’s Golden Knight. Naturally, he also employs a number of fire-based strikes.

Strategy: Use water-based attacks to deal extra damage.

Weakness: Chest and Back

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Forlorn Fragment x1


List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: Losomn, The Tormented Asylum

Description: world leader. The Fae Goddess of Sleep is represented by the ethereal entity known as The Nightweaver. It offers a variety of ways to render heroes immobile.

Strategy: Aim for the glowing core. Dodge its immobilizing attacks.

Weakness: Glowing core

Drops: Segment x1, Lumenite Crystal x5, Tome of Knowledge x1, Cursed Dream Silks x1


Location: Losomn, Beatific Gallery

Description: World boss. Faelin is an extremely powerful human mage with levitation and teleportation abilities. He fights with both powerful magic and a blade weapon.

Strategy: Keep moving to avoid its magic attacks. Aim for the weak points when it’s resting.

Weakness: Red Spot

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x6, Tome of Knowledge x1, Segment x1, Imposter’s Heart x1


Location: Losomn, Malefic Gallery

Description: World boss. Faerin is an extremely powerful human mage with levitation and teleportation abilities. He fights with both powerful magic and a bladed weapon.

Strategy: Keep moving to avoid its magic attacks. Aim for the weak points when it’s resting.

Weakness: Back and Chest

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x6, Tome of Knowledge x1, Segment x1, Melded Hilt x1

List of Bosses in Yaesha in Remnant 2

Kaeula’s Shadow

Location: Yaesha, Kaeula’s Rest

Description: Another root-like monster that tries to push heroes into deep water. Besides, Kaeula’s Shadow does not come alone.

Strategy: Aim for the red core. Use ranged weapons to keep a safe distance.

Weakness: Red core

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x6, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x650, Twilight Dactylus x1


Location: Yaesha, The Twisted Chantry

Description: A bizarre boss in the form of a supposed corpse sitting on a throne and a mirror-like weapon above it. Causes enormous shock damage and spawns additional minions.

Strategy: Aim for the center of the glowing “mirror”. Keep moving to avoid shock damage.

Weakness: Center of the glowing “mirror”

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500, Agnosia Driftwood x1

Mother Mind

Location: Yaesha, The Nameless Nest

Description: Mother Mind fights mainly with a large claw, with which it performs powerful swing attacks and can pierce heroes with it.

Strategy: Dodge its claw attacks and aim for the weak points when it’s resting.

Weakness: Head

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500, Cordyceps Gland x1

Root Nexus

List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: Yaesha, The Forbidden Grove

Description: Root Nexus is the only boss enemy that does not openly attack heroes. Instead, the tree-sized root with a lava core uses protective measures as well as summoned servants.

Strategy: Aim for the “Lava” core. Deal with the summoned servants quickly.

Weakness: “Lava” core

Drops: Scrap x100, Hallowed Egg x1, Trait: Blood Bond


Location: Yaesha, The Expanding Glade

Description: With his dark monk’s robe, partially red glowing bow, and teleportation abilities, Shrewd is very reminiscent of the Root Sniper, but much more powerful in combat.

Strategy: Aim for the head. Keep moving to avoid its teleportation attacks.

Weakness: Head

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x4, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x550, Soul Sliver x1

Corrupted Ravager

Location: Yaesha, Ravager’s Lair

Description: World boss. Recurring enemy from the predecessor game, but much more powerful in his new role as a boss.

Strategy: Use high-damage weapons to break its armor. Dodge its attacks and aim for the weak points.

Weakness: Red Core

Drops: Segment x1, Lumenite Crystal x5, Scrap x750, Tome of Knowledge x1


List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: Yaesha, The Great Bole

Description: World boss. A squid-like floating monster that fights with the help of large hybrids of existing enemies, such as hybrids of pan-warriors and robots like the E.D. Alpha.

Strategy: Aim for the red core. Deal with the summoned hybrids quickly.

Weakness: Red core

Drops: Segment x1, Lumenite Crystal x5, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x750, Hollow Heart x1 or Twisted Lazurite x1

List of Bosses in N’Erud in Remnant 2


List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: N’Erud, The Putrid Domain

Description: Giant version of the Corpse Ball with extra HP.

Strategy: Aim for the bombs under the armor. Keep moving to avoid its attacks.

Weakness: Bombs under the armor

Drops: Lumenite Crystal, Tome of Knowledge x1, Mutated Growth x1

E.D. Alpha

Location: N’Erud, Tower of the Unseen

Description: More resistant, stronger version of the elite E.D. Alpha.

Strategy: Aim for the eye. Keep moving to avoid its energy beams.

Weakness: Eye

Drops: Scrap x300, Corrupted Lumenite Crystal x2, Refunder x1

Fetid Corpse

List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: N’Erud, Void Vessel Facility

Description: The Fetid Corpse is just a stronger N’Erud Zombie. As such, it does not have new attacks.

Strategy: Aim for the head. Keep moving to avoid its attacks.

Weakness: Head

Drops: Mutator: Transference x1, Scrap x330, Corrupted Lumenite Crystal x2


Location: N’Erud, The Hatchery

Description: Primogenitor is an insectoid boss with octopus-like tentacles and hovering ability. Receives reinforcements from hatching young of its kind.

Strategy: Aim for the eyes. Deal with the hatching young quickly.

Weakness: Eyes

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500, Cracked Shell x1

The Astropath

List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: N’Erud, Astropath’s Respite

Description: A boss variant of Specter with the ability to transform into an energy sphere that is difficult to hit with weapons.

Strategy: Aim for the weak points when it’s in energy sphere form.

Weakness: Head

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x1, Tome of Knowledge x1, Seeker Residue x1

The Custodian’s Eye

Location: N’Erud

Description: Basically, an XXL edition of the Sentinel, but slower and much more attacking.

Strategy: Aim for the eye. Keep moving to avoid its attacks.

Weakness: Eye

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x4, Tome of Knowledge x1, Sentry’s Old Iris x1


Location: N’Erud, The Tormented Asylum, Forgotten Prison

Description: World boss. Extremely massive, meter-high toad creature with a bright mask for a face. Dialogue options determine whether it comes to a fight. Tal’ratha is somewhat sluggish, but benefits from its long-range in close combat.

Strategy: Aim for the mouth. Keep moving to avoid its long-range attacks.

Weakness: Mouth

Drops: Segment x1, Lumenite Crystal x5, Scrap x750, Tome of Knowledge x1, Shining Essence Echo x1, Spiced Bile x1


List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: N’Erud, Sentinel Keep

Description: World boss. Spectral, demon-like creature that fights primarily with likewise spectral spheres and projectiles.

Strategy: Aim for the sphere between its hands. Keep moving to avoid its projectiles.

Weakness: Sphere between its hands

Drops: Segment x1, Lumenite Crystal x6, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x825, Eidolon Shard x1

Other Bosses List

Labyrinth Sentinel

List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: The Labyrinth

Description: Around “rolling” large cube with destructible white cubes on the sides.

Strategy: Aim for the white cubes. Keep moving to avoid its attacks.

Weakness: White cubes

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x5, Scrap x750, Tome of Knowledge x1, Conflux Prism x1


List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: The Labyrinth

Description: Bastion is a “four-legged” stone golem with a kind of energy core instead of a head. He is a pure melee fighter with fast attacks, some of which he executes while jumping.

Strategy: Aim for the glowing core. Keep moving to avoid its fast attacks.

Weakness: Glowing core

Drops: Corrupted Lumenite Crystal x5, Vengeful Strike x1


List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: Root Earth, Ashen Wasteland

Description: Powerful root creature, visually reminiscent of the Infectors, but far sturdier. He has strong arms with which he lets embers and skewers shoot from the ground.

Strategy: Aim for the red core. Keep moving to avoid its ember attacks.

Weakness: Red core

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500, Necrocyte Strand x1


List of Bosses in Remnant 2

Location: Root Earth, Blackened Citadel

Description: World boss and also the final enemy. Dragon-like, skeletal creature and literally the root of all evil. From nasty AoE attacks to magical attacks, there’s hardly anything Annihilation can’t do.

Strategy: Aim for the head. Keep moving to avoid its AoE and magical attacks.

Weakness: Head

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x6, Tome of Knowledge x1, Forgotten Memory x1, Broken Compass x1


Location: Root Earth, Corrupted Harbor

Description: Another armored Root boss capable of levitation. Wields a strange blade that deals fire-based (AoE) damage.

Strategy: Aim for the red core. Keep moving to avoid its fire-based attacks.

Weakness: Red core

Drops: Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500, Dread Core x1


One can earn extra trophies and achievements by knowing the tactics and mechanics for each of the Remnant 2 bosses. Don’t be afraid to try out various strategies to see which one suits you the best. Part of the trip is overcoming these obstacles. Wishing you success in Remnant 2 battles!

Also, read Remnant 2: Severed Hand Its Location and Uses

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